The latest Council meeting minutes are now online

City of Wildrose


August 12, 2024


Wildrose Fire/City Hall


Call meeting to order for a regular meeting of the City of Wildrose was held in the Fire/City Hall, Wildrose, ND on August 12, 2024. The meeting convened at 8:00pm. Members of the Council in attendance, Mayor Marlyn Vatne, President Riley Reisig, V.P. Karla Magnuson, Todd Kragness and Fred Baldwin.


Council recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


Open Agenda: NB #3 RV Park Inspection, OB #3 Sidewalk in Wildrose, #4 OB New Water Depot, #5 Depot on Railroad Ave., #6 Holton Property Purchase. Motioned by Baldwin to set the agenda as closed, 2nd by Magnuson. All in favor. Motion Passed.


Guests: Ashley Baldwin and Roger Skarphol. Ashley Baldwin informed the Council that Kysen Baldwin will no longer be assisting with mowing and weeding, due to school starting.


Engineer Report: Wildrose Fire Hall Addition review and walk through will be scheduled. The Wildrose Storm Sewer Project completed ant retainage held back in the amount of $10,000.00 is due. Motioned by Reisig to release the retainage in the amount of $10,000.00 is to be released to DL Barke for the completion of the Wildrose Storm Sewer Project, 2nd by Baldwin. Vote: Ayes; Reisig, Baldwin, Magnuson and Kragness. Vote: Nays; None. Roll Call Vote: Magnuson, Reisig, Baldwin and Kragness. Motion Passed.


The Wildrose Park Addition Work: Addition work has been completed, final payment in the amount of $14450.00 shall be paid to DL Barke. Motioned by Baldwin to approve the final payment in the amount of $14450.00 to be paid to DL Barke, 2nd by Reisig. Vote: Ayes; Baldwin, Reisig, Kragness and Magnuson. Vote: Nays; None. Roll Call Vote: Baldwin, Kragness, Magnuson and Reisig. Motion Passed.


Review of Meeting Minutes: Wildrose City Council regular meeting minutes for July 12, 2024. Motioned by Magnuson to approve the regular meeting minutes for July 12, 2024, 2nd by Baldwin. Vote: Ayes; Magnuson, Baldwin, Kragness and Reisig. Vote: Nays; None. All in favor. Motion Passed.


Auditors Report: Accounts & Balances were reviewed along with the Gross Production, Taxes, and Royalties.


Review of Bills: General Fund: Visa $931.63, Menards $279.10, Western Dakota Eng. $2514.56, Horizon Resources $2075.91, TrailBladers $2080.00, Ackerman/Estvold $1437.50, Journal $251.85, MDU $1676.77, NCC $303.40, Ramage Geltel Law $1317.00, and Enterprise Fund: Estvold Septic $1200.00, Astro Chem $358.50, Circle Sanitation $2613.25, R&T Water $4314.62 and MDU $194.49. Transfers: Enterprise to General $220.00 and General to Employee Reserve $6992.36. Motioned by Magnuson to approve the August 12, 2024, bills,2nd by Kragness. Vote: Ayes, Magnuson, Kragness, Reisig, and Baldwin. Vote: Nays; None. Roll Call Vote: Magnuson, Baldwin, Reisig, and Kragness. Motion Passed.


Review of Payroll: Motioned by Magnuson to approve the July payroll, 2nd by Reisig. Vote: Ayes; Magnuson, Reisig, Kragness, and Baldwin. Vote: Nays; None. Roll Call Vote: Baldwin, Kragness, Magnuson, and Reisig. Motion Passed.


Astro Chem: Satisfactory for August.


City Maintenance & Works: Discussion on NB #3 RV inspection report was discussed with Council, Water Sample for drinking water have been submitted, City Maintainer maintenance & inspection needed before winter, and City valves need to be exercised.


New Business: Oath of Office, Council Woman and V.P. Karla Magnuson stated her Oath.


City of Wildrose Foundation: Motioned by Reisig to form the City of Wildrose Foundation, 2nd by Magnuson. Vote: Ayes; Reisig, Magnuson, Kragness, and Baldwin. Vote: Nays; None. Roll Call Vote: Kragness, Baldwin, Magnuson, and Reisig. Motion Passed.


Old Business: Advertisement for Bid: One bid was received for the purchase of 415 Main St. Mr. & Mrs. Evenson were awarded as the accepted bid in the amount of $15000.00. Motioned by Reisig to accept the awarded bid to Mr. & Mrs. Evanson for the advertised bid in the amount of $15000.00, 2nd by Baldwin. Vote: Ayes; Reisig, Baldwin, Kragness, and Magnuson. Vote: Nays; None. Roll Call Vote: Baldwin, Kragness, Magnuson, and Reisig. Motion Passed.


Review Notes on Bids: Sidewalks; Motioned by Reisig to hire Wagner & Sons to replace sidewalk in the City of Wildrose, 2nd by Kragness. Vote: Ayes; Reisig, Kragness, Baldwin, and Magnuson. Vote: Nays; None. Roll Call Vote: Baldwin, Kragness, Reisig, and Magnuson. Motion Passed.


Motion by Magnuson to ask Horizon Resources to split cost on sidewalk in front of Horizon Gas Station Building, 2nd by Baldwin. Vote: Ayes; Magnuson, Baldwin, Kragness, and Reisig. Vote: Nays; None. Roll Call Vote: Reisig, Magnuson, Kragness, and Baldwin. Motion Passed.


New Water Depot: Motioned by Kragness to purchase materials and get bid from Wagner & Sons for new cement pad for new placement of the Wildrose Salesman/Water Depot, 2nd by Baldwin. Vote: Ayes; Kragness, Baldwin, Magnuson, and Reisig. Vote: Nays; None. Roll Call Vote: Baldwin, Kragness, Magnuson, and Reisig. Motion Passed.


Purchase of Parcel numbers; 04-000-00-05-07-060, 04-000-00-10-02-025, 04-000-00-10-02-020, and 04-000-00-10-02-015. Motioned by Baldwin to purchase the said parcel above in the amount of $20000.00, 2nd by Reisig. Vote: Ayes; Baldwin, Kragness, Reisig, and Magnuson. Vote: Nays; None. Roll Call Vote: Reisig, Magnuson, Baldwin, and Kragness. Motion Passed.


Meeting Adjourned: Motioned by Baldwin to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Magnuson. Vote: Ayes; Baldwin, Magnuson, Reisig, and Kragness. Vote: Nays; None. All in Favor. Motion Passed.


Next meeting: September 9, 2024, at 8:00 pm. Location; Wildrose Fire/City Hall.