City Works, Streets & Properties

 Some responsibilities  of the City Maintenance and Works position is to keep the City of Wildrose water system, tower, lift station and waste water system monitored and working properly. Call if you need a meter or are having an issue with one, need a curb stop turned on or off, or are experiencing an emergency situation such as a water main break, hydrant leaks, or other similar issues. For routine meter and curb stop needs an appointment needs to be set up with City Auditor first.


Other tasks are street and alley maintenance. Including such things as graveling, grading/scraping, sweeping (main street) in the summer time and snow removal and sanding icy and slippery areas in the winter. As well as culvert maintenance, drainage problems, street sign repair & replacement, and removing or trimming overgrown trees, shrubs or other nuisances obstructing streets and intersections.


This position also requires handling the upkeep and appearance of city properties, and main street sidewalk maintenance.


Picture courtesy of Ashley Sevre Photography

 Keith Rossmiller

City Maintenance and Works